Shanghai unfolds as a city where every corner tells a story, inviting travelers to step into a realm where the past coexists with the sprint towards tomorrow. Here, the hum of markets, the quiet of ancient gardens, and the awe-inspiring heights of skyscrapers form a mosaic of experiences. Venture from the historical depth of the French Concession's tree-lined avenues to the futuristic pulse of the Pudong skyline, discovering a city that thrives on diversity—from the culinary delights of Xiaolongbao to the artistic corridors of M50.
Cruises dock at the Shanghai International Cruise Terminal, strategically situated for easy access to the city's myriad attractions. This modern gateway is merely 3 kilometres (about 1.86 miles) from the bustling city center, translating to a quick 10-minute ride into the heart of Shanghai’s vibrant fusion of experiences.
Known for its ancient temples and beautiful beaches, Fukuoka is the capital of and gateway to Kyushu Island. Boasting Japan’s heady cocktail of hot springs, gourmet food, abundant nature and spiritual history, Kyushu Island has all the advantages of the mainland, while enjoying its own identity. Ships will dock at Hakata Port.
Top Things to Do in Fukuoka:
Shanghai unfolds as a city where every corner tells a story, inviting travelers to step into a realm where the past coexists with the sprint towards tomorrow. Here, the hum of markets, the quiet of ancient gardens, and the awe-inspiring heights of skyscrapers form a mosaic of experiences. Venture from the historical depth of the French Concession's tree-lined avenues to the futuristic pulse of the Pudong skyline, discovering a city that thrives on diversity—from the culinary delights of Xiaolongbao to the artistic corridors of M50.
Cruises dock at the Shanghai International Cruise Terminal, strategically situated for easy access to the city's myriad attractions. This modern gateway is merely 3 kilometres (about 1.86 miles) from the bustling city center, translating to a quick 10-minute ride into the heart of Shanghai’s vibrant fusion of experiences.
Royal Caribbean Cruises
Royal Caribbean Ships