Trip well organized in general, good group, but good and bad details as usual.
Hotels 3* with very basic facilities (missing hot water/coffee facilities and fridge in all hotels, except one) and medium/small size room, but comfy. Great beds! Some were quite distant from the city center but most were manageable. Hotels' staff were good and fluent more in English. Our Guide was a lovely guy, gentle, polite and calm. Good basic knowledge about touristic sites, however some times the communication of plans with the group were not so clear, generating some frustrations amongst some (and almost "forgotten luggage at lobby of hotel" one one occasion!), but in general very responsible and caring in all aspects. Always trying to help as he could in some unplanned bad situations. eg. Forgotten mobile on highway restaurant!
Our Driver was polite and a good driver, I suppose, despite a bit of more opening to help, maybe bending a bit the time schedule, could have saved a lot of stress on the "forgotten mobile situation", but in part understood due to the "highway possible difficulties".
Our route and attractions : great towns and attractions but quite in a hurry. Major difficulty was coordinating the meals and available time around visited towns to avoid missing the coach. Some of the major attractions, despite described on tour, were in fact independently done, not really part of the tour, like Mt Michel visit.
Included dinners were the low part of the tour, except for the last hotel, the included dinners were extremely poor in quality. Disappointing french cuisine in fact quite "uneatable" and ridiculous in some occasions. (My suggestion is to pleases revise the quality of meals before including it as dinner..for the sake of tour name!). Breakfasts were good in my point of view in all hotels (but I'm sure not complete for those who are used to hot bkf..)
A big failure of the planned trip that made me think twice for possible next trip with Cosmos was the badly explained beforehand and unexpected bad surprise on last tour day. Example: Last Paris day with 2 optionals for the same day, included on same day of a quick Paris Bus city Tour, where, whoever wouldn't be signed for the optionals were left on their own to find their way back to the hotel, for the sake of the optional tours to be completed. This was a bad surprise. About 12 travelers tried to sort Metro station/lines, walking literally 40 min to the right spot, relying in continuous street people advices and google maps, in Metro peak hour, some with mobility difficulties. (One couple separated due to fullness of metro train had to wait for next one alone).Seriously??!! The minimal expected would have been to drop who was not on" optional " tour , back at the hotel or at the very least close to the exact Metro Station. (They should be a priority in my point of view as a client paid to be"spoiled by a preorganized tour. This transport "adventure" was explained only on the last day. Maybe some people wouldn't even bother to go to the rushy bus city tour if were aware that optional tour would have priority above the regular clientele).
In general tour gives an idea of country France, superficially, as expected for quick moving tour, but a taste of France. Food and hotels will always have + /- ,all accepted as "expected"..but the last day arrangement I believe it is a big failure in planning, that should be reviewed.